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Blog Archives

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Honey, Oats & Apple Muffins

Looking to use up the chametz in your pantry? How about these delicious Honey, Oat & Apple muffins using Honey Ridge Farms clover honey crème from the Winter 2015 Kosher Foodie Box! Just perfect for a Sunday morning breakfast or

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Mexican Gefilte Fish

Use your La Preferida Taco Seasoning to create a great Mexican/traditional Jewish fusion recipe! This recipe has been reproduced from “Kosher by Design Entertains: Fabulous Recipes for Parties and Every Day” by Susie Fishbein with permission of the copyright holders,

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Chinese Chicken with Black Walnuts

We’ve updated the classic Chinese Chicken with Walnuts with fruity, earthy flavor of Hammons Black Walnuts! This easy dish is best served fresh and cooks quickly (under half an hour!) making it perfect for an evening you have little time

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Shakshuka is the quintessential Israeli breakfast! This recipe uses Hatch Fire Roasted Chopped Green Chiles from your Late Autumn 2014 Kosher Foodie Box for an extra kick. Make it your own by adding thinly sliced onion or red pepper (saute them

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Caramel Nut Cake

I didn’t think my mother’s a”h yummy, chewy, (you won’t believe it’s) Parve, double decker Caramel Nut Cake could get any better, but the addition of Hammons Black Walnuts’ woodsy, fruity tones took it to a whole new level!While this

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Ginger Carrot Slaw

Still looking for a new and exciting way to showcase the siman of carrots at your Rosh Hashana table? If you still have some Wafu Ginger Carrot Japanese Dressing from your Summer Kosher Foodie Box, you can wow them with

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Apple Honey Chicken

This gorgeous recipe is my Rosh Hashana signature dish. Full of apples dipped in honey, you can just hear it singing, “Have a Happy Sweet New Year”! Kosher Foodie Box would like to thank Mishpacha Magazine, Brynie Greisman, recipe contributor

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“Cookies for the IDF, Kosher Foodie Box for You” Extended!

We were getting ready to remind everyone that today is the last day of “Cookies for the IDF, Kosher Foodie Box for You!”, but then, an amazing thing happened! Some teens in Efrat heard that we had fallen behind in

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Wafu Ginger Carrot Grilled Chicken Salad

This recipe, developed by Annette Turner in the Kosher Foodie Box test kitchen, is a delicious way to use the Wafu Ginger Carrot Japanese vinaigrette you received in your Summer 2014 Kosher Foodie Box. Check out all the amazing Wafu

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