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Abeles & Heymann Sweet and Tangy Mustard

Spring 2015 KFB > Abeles & Heymann Sweet and Tangy Mustard
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Coupon Code For a limited time, use Coupon Code KFB20 to get 20% off your order at Abeles & Heymann! *Valid through July 3, 2015

They Taste Better!

Abeles & Heymann, founded in 1954, has been dedicated to producing the most delectable, premium quality gourmet kosher hot dog. A&H Hot dogs, recognized for premium quality and authenticity, were ranked #1 by the St. Louis Post Dispatch, The New York Daily News and the Forward as recently as May 2013 beating out a major brand, Hebrew National.

So what do you put on the award winning A&H hot dog that will compliment its quality? Abeles & Heymann's Sweet & Tangy Mustard of course! Just in time to kick off cookout season and seasoned with natural spices, A&H's Sweet & Tangy mustard will quickly become a family favorite!

Try the entire line of Abeles & Heymann's condiments, certified kosher by the OU:
Deli Style Mustard, Sweet & Tangy Mustard, Horseradish Sauce and Sandwich Dressing.

Hot Dog Eggrolls
Recipe Courtesy of Busy in Brooklyn ©2014

1 1 lb. pkg. eggroll wrappers
1 12oz. pkg. Abeles & Heymann no-nitrate-added hot dogs, cut in half widthwise
1 14oz. can sauerkraut
1 10oz. jar sweet pickle relish
canola oil, for frying
3/4 cup apricot jam
1/4 cup Abeles & Heymann Sweet & Tangy mustard

Lay the egg roll wrappers flat on your work surface, with the corner pointed towards you. Working one at a time, place 2 heaping tbsp of sauerkraut in the center and top with a tbsp of pickle relish and a half of a hot dog. Using your fingers, spread a bit of water on the corner closest to you, and fold over the filling, pressing down to seal. Fold the sides in and spread some water around the top corner. Roll tightly and press to seal.

Heat oil in a skillet and fry eggrolls until crisp and golden, turning to brown all sides. Drain on paper towels.

Heat apricot jam in a microwave or pot until melted and stir in mustard. Serve alongside eggrolls.

VARIATON: To bake, brush the eggrolls with oil and bake at 400 degrees until browned and crisp, about 10 minutes.

OPTIONAL FILLINGS: sauteed onions, chili, coleslaw, facon, onion rings, jalapeno, avocado, salsa

You can view the complete post by Busy in Brooklyn along with step by step photos for assembling and rolling the Hot Dog Eggrolls here:

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