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Fruigees' organic fruit snack in a pack is a healthy combo of non-GMO fruit and veggie juices. Unlike the dull taste and gritty texture found in other pouches, Fruigees' unique recipe of juices gives their packs bright, vibrant flavors and a smooth consistency that both kids and adults love!!
Every Fruigees flavor gives you 100% of your daily vitamin C, made with no-added sugar, and are gluten free and totally vegan. Even better - all of our organic fruit snacks are certified organic, non-GMO, and kosher (OU).
How Does Fruigees Compare to Other Products on the Market?
Fruigees' unique combination of fruit and veggie juices makes Fruigees more than just a unique, creamy fruit snack. As you can see, the nutritional value is similar to that of a fresh mango! And it totally beats your typical applesauce.
Kalefornia Grape
The rich flavor of concord grape mixed with one of the greenest veggies out there – Kale!
24-Carrot Orange
Bright and refreshing oranges paired with a veggie that everyone loves – Carrots!
Nothing Beets Cherry
The sweet flavor of cherry combined with one of the superest super foods around – Beets!
Fruigees are certified Kosher/Parve by the OU.
Which flavor did you get? Love this product? Let everyone know!