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Honey Ridge Farms’ Raw Clover Honey Crèmes

Winter (January/February) 2015 KFB > Honey Ridge Farms' Raw Clover Honey Crème

ips chipsHoney Ridge Farms' Raw Clover Honey Crèmes are whipped to light, luscious perfection with the finest fruits and spices. Pure and simple, Honey Crèmes are available in seven flavors: Blackberry, Cranberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Apricot, Clover and Spiced. Whether you received a jar of Clover, Apricot or Spiced in your Kosher Foodie Box, we're sure you'll love it however you use it!

Founded in 2004 by Leeanne Goetz, Honey Ridge Farms - located in Brush Prairie, Washington - is part of an extended beekeeping legacy. In fact, Leeanne's oldest son, Ryan, is fifth-­generation and worked alongside his grandfather Edmund Varney, learning the vocation as a teenager and through college. Keeping true to traditional practices, Ryan is caretaker to 4000 colonies that pollinate a variety of crops throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho and California.

The Honey Ridge Farms family has a unique appreciation and unprecedented consideration for hive health, offering the highest quality pollination services to local farmers.

"Beekeeping is both a lifestyle and passion of the Varney and Goetz clan. We believe honey is nature's best and most delicious sweetener. All of our honey is sourced from family and a small circle of Pacific Northwest beekeepers, all of whom we know personally and professionally. We're proud to offer only superior, local USA honey products."
Leeanne Goetz – Owner, Honey Ridge Farms

Honey Ridge Farms' Honey Crèmes are certified kosher and parve by Oregon Kosher .
All product labeling for Kosher Foodie Box was also done under their supervision. If you would like more information, please click here.

There are many ways to enjoy these Honey Crèmes. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

General Honey Crème Ideas
Spicy Fruit Salad – Whisk together honey crème and lime juice. Drizzle over cubed pineapple, blackberries, diced jicama and minced jalapeno. Garnish with fresh cilantro.
Simple Syrup – Combine equal parts honey crème and water. Simmer until the crème completely dissolves. Use to sweeten hot or cold beverages and cocktails.
Nut Butter & Honey Banana Sandwiches – Spread favorite nut butter on thick slice of toasted country-­style or multi-­grain bread. Top with sliced bananas and drizzle with honey crème.

Clover Honey Crème Ideas
Nutty Goat Cheese - Roll soft goat cheese in finely chopped toasted walnuts and chopped fresh thyme. Drizzle with honey crème and serve with top quality crackers or toasted ciabatta slices. Honey and Vinegar Baked Chicken – Whisk together honey crème and cider or wine vinegar to make a slightly sweet vinegar. Season cut up chicken with salt and pepper and brown in olive oil in a large skillet. Add honey mixture to skillet and cook, covered, until chicken is cooked through. Add chopped fresh thyme or rosemary.

Apricot Honey Crème Ideas
Apricot Couscous Salad – Whisk together honey crème, white wine vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Stir into cooked couscous. Add diced cooked chicken, diced dried apricots, dried currants, sliced green onions and diced red bell pepper. Stir dressing into salad and sprinkle with toasted, chopped pistachios.
Apricot Blue Cheese Endive Bites – Spoon crumbled blue cheese into Belgian endive leaves. Drizzle with honey crème and top with chopped dried apricots and chopped toasted walnuts.

Spiced Honey Crème Ideas Orange and Honey Glazed Carrots – Cook carrots in orange juice until tender. Stir in honey crème and butter; season to taste with salt and pepper.
Honey and Spice Roasted Pears – Cut ripe pears in half and remove seeds. Brush liberally with honey crème and drizzle with lemon juice; bake at 400°F for 20 minutes or until pears are soft. Drizzle with additional honey and lemon and top with chopped fresh thyme.

For more ways to use your Honey Ridge Farms' Raw Clover Honey Crème click here:

What flavor did you get? How did you use it? Let everyone know!