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ips Sea Salt and Black Pepper Ch(ips)
What Are ips?
One of our most fabulous finds, IPS are the world's first chip made with non-GMO corn and wholesome egg white and other all natural ingredients. And with 6 grams of protein per serving, they are the a breakthrough snack that has the tasty crunch you want and the satisfying protein you need! They are the chips you can feel great about eating!
Using their patent-pending Pressure-Puff process (we love saying that!), they've created a chip that is so incredibly light, crispy, and delicious, you won't believe you're getting healthy egg white protein in every bite. In fact, each one ounce serving of IPS contains six grams of protein, the equivalent of an egg. How's that for a satisfying snack?
And with half the fat of leading fried potato chips and fewer carbs than leading baked potato chips, IPS are the chip you don't need to feel guilty about eating (see their Nutrition page for the details). All that and IPS come in four delectable flavors that will leave you reaching for more!
Finally, there's a chip that you can great about eating and sharing with those you love – an intelligent protein-powered snack for you and your family: IPS, The Original Egg White Chips™
IPS are certified Kosher by United Mehadrin Kosher (UMK) of Minnesota. Some flavors are dairy.
Love this product? What flavor do you want to try next? Let everyone know!