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Teeccino Naturally Caffeine Free Herbal Coffee

Spring 2015 KFB > teeccino
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Coupon Kosher Foodie Box subscribers, look for your $0.50 coupon off any box of Teeccino Tee Bags *Valid through July 31, 2016

The Herbal Tea that Tastes Like Coffee!

Teeccino Caffeine-free Herbal Coffee (tee CHEE no), America's #1 Coffee Alternative, is a delicious blend of herbs, grains, fruits and nuts that are roasted and ground to brew and taste just like coffee. Those who can no longer drink coffee find weaning oneself off coffee with Teeccino is a great way to avoid caffeine withdrawal.

With all the convenience of a tea bag, Teeccino's Tee-bags let you enjoy a cup of Teeccino anytime, anywhere. Individually wrapped envelopes protects Teeccino's freshness even when you're on the go. Made with 3 times more product than regular tea bags, Teeccino Tee-bags create the full-bodied, robust cup that coffee lovers desire.

Each Tee-bag contains 6g of Teeccino. Regular tea bags only hold 1 - 2g. Teeccino Tee-bags have more than 3 times the product as regular tea bags to create a full-bodied brew.

Teeccino is available in 19 delicious flavors. Your Kosher Foodie Box contains one French Roast and one flavor from an assortment of Dandelion Dark Roast, Dandelion Caramel Nut, Vanilla Nut or Chocolaté

Teeccino is certified kosher by the Star-K

Teeccino Cajun Blackened Fish
A Cajun favorite with the addition of Teeccino takes this classic dish to a whole new level of delish!

2 tablespoons Teeccino French Roast granules
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons salt
1 1 lb. filet of fish, preferably a flaky white fish

Using spray olive oil, spray both sides of fish fillet. Sprinkle seasonings mix evenly on both sides of fish fillet, patting it by hand. You should have enough to cover 6 fillets. Fry fish in a hot cast-iron skillet with canola oil until the first side looks charred. Turn fillet over and cook until the fish is done. Fillets of 3/4" width should take approximately two minutes on each side.

For more Teeccino recipes visit

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